
As you walk across that graduation stage and turn your tassel, you likely feel a huge sense of accomplishment and pride. You did it – you completed your degree! But in the weeks and months after graduation, you may start to feel a creeping sense of sadness or anxiety. You might miss the structure of student life or feel unsure about next steps. Know that you’re not alone. Many graduates experience post-grad depression and uncertainty. In this article, you’ll learn what post-graduation depression looks like, what causes it, and most importantly, what you can do to recognize it in yourself and others. You’ll also get tips to start taking steps to feel better. While this time can be challenging, you’ll get through it.

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    What Is Post Graduation Depression?

    Post graduation depression refers to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and distress that can occur after earning your degree.

    The Anticlimactic Ending

    After years of hard work, the abrupt end of your college experience can feel anticlimactic and leave you wondering “what’s next?”. The loss of your student lifestyle and separation from close-knit social circles may lead to feelings of loss, uncertainty, and low mood.

    Difficulty Transitioning

    Entering the “real world” involves significant life changes that can be challenging to navigate. Difficulty finding a job, financial stress, and new responsibilities can all contribute to post grad depression.

    Lost Sense of Purpose

    For years, working toward your degree gave you a clear purpose and goal. After graduating, that sense of purpose disappears, leaving you without direction or motivation. This lack of meaning or fulfillment in life can significantly impact your wellbeing.

    What You Can Do

    The good news is there are steps you can take to overcome post grad depression. Connecting with others, engaging in self care, setting small goals, and reflecting on your accomplishments can help restore your wellbeing. Speaking to a mental health professional is also an option if needed. With time and conscious effort, you can move on from this transition and find meaning, purpose, and joy again.

    Signs and Symptoms of Post Grad Depression

    As a recent graduate, you may experience feelings of sadness, anxiety, or depression. These emotions are common after major life transitions, but if prolonged or intense, could indicate post-graduate depression. Some symptoms to monitor include:

    Difficulty Sleeping or Changes in Appetite

    You may struggle with insomnia, sleeping too much, loss of appetite, or overeating. These changes can disrupt your daily routine and mood. Using relaxation techniques before bed, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, and eating a balanced diet may help stabilize your symptoms.

    Difficulty Concentrating or Making Decisions

    Feeling indecisive or easily distracted are also signs of post-grad depression. Starting a new career or next phase of life requires focus and planning. If unable to do so, speak with a therapist. They can provide guidance through cognitive behavioral therapy.

    Persistent Feelings of Sadness or Hopelessness

    Expect some ups and downs after graduation, but persistent and intense feelings of sadness, worthlessness or hopelessness require support. Connecting to others who have been through similar experiences may help provide perspective and advice. However, if symptoms worsen or persist more than two weeks, consult a mental health professional.

    Loss of Interest in Usual Activities

    It’s common for recent life changes to impact your interests or social life. However, losing pleasure in most or all activities is a sign that extra support may help improve your mood and motivation. Exploring new hobbies or communities and maintaining social connections will boost your wellbeing. If needed, a counselor can also help process your feelings and find strategies to re-engage in meaningful activities.

    With awareness and the right resources, post-graduate depression is very treatable. Speaking with a professional counselor, as provided through services like Avocado, is often the first step to feeling better and thriving in your new life stage.

    Causes of Post-College Graduation Depression

    Graduating from college is a major life transition that can trigger feelings of sadness or depression in some. There are several factors that may contribute to experiencing post-grad depression.

    Loss of Identity

    For the past few years, you have identified as a college student. Now that you have graduated, you may feel a loss of identity and purpose. Your daily routine and social circles have changed, and you must establish a new role for yourself. This process of redefining who you are can lead to feelings of sadness or lack of direction.

    Uncertainty About the Future

    College provides a structured path for your life, with clear goals to work toward each semester. After graduating, the future may seem unclear or uncertain in contrast. Concerns about finding a job, career, relationships, living situation, and financial independence can provoke anxiety, stress, and even depression.

    Separation from Friends

    During college, you were surrounded by peers and had an active social life. Now that you have graduated, you may feel isolated from friends who have moved to new cities or started jobs. The lack of social interaction and support can contribute to feelings of loneliness, sadness or depression.

    Problems with Employment

    Not being able to find a job after graduation or struggling in a new job role can worsen symptoms of depression. Feelings of lack of purpose or self-worth may arise, especially if you had high expectations of securing employment immediately after college. Financial stress from student loan payments or other bills can also negatively impact your mental health.

    In summary, post-grad depression is often caused by major life changes, uncertainty, loss of identity and social support, and employment or financial difficulties. Recognizing these contributing factors is the first step toward overcoming feelings of depression after college graduation. With time and active coping strategies, post-grad depression can be alleviated.


    Tips for Coping With Post Graduation Blues

    Connect With Your Support Network

    After graduating, it is critical to stay connected to close friends and family who provide you emotional support. Let them know if you’re feeling down, and make an effort to meet with them regularly. Your support network can help motivate you and provide accountability as you navigate this transition. Consider scheduling weekly calls or meetups with your core group of supporters.

    Practice Self-Care

    Exercise, eat healthy, engage in hobbies, and get enough sleep. Taking good care of yourself physically and mentally will help combat feelings of sadness or being overwhelmed. Even taking a walk, doing light exercise like yoga, or pursuing a hobby for 30 minutes a day can help boost your mood and motivation. Lack of sleep, unhealthy eating, and inactivity will only intensify symptoms of depression or anxiety. Prioritize yourself – you deserve it.

    Reflect on Your Accomplishments

    It’s easy to feel a lack of purpose or direction after such an abrupt change as graduating. Remind yourself of all you achieved to get to this point. You have worked hard for many years to earn your degree, and that is an accomplishment to be incredibly proud of. Reflecting on your achievements can help regain a sense of control and reignite motivation to set new goals. Be kind to yourself and celebrate this milestone. The future is bright.

    Explore New Opportunities

    While it’s important to take time for yourself, avoid isolation by putting yourself in new situations. Explore new hobbies, volunteer, engage in professional networking, pick up a side gig, take a class on something you enjoy, travel if you can. New opportunities ignite a sense of inspiration and open you up to meeting like-minded people. Staying active and productive will boost your confidence and help move your mind away from the uncertainty of post-grad life. There are more possibilities out there waiting for you.

    The period after graduation can be an emotional rollercoaster. Be patient with yourself, connect to your supports, and prioritize self-care. You have so much talent and potential, and there are more opportunities ahead than you realize. Believe in yourself and keep putting one foot in front of the other. You’ve got this!

    Seeking Help for Post Graduation Depression

    While grappling with postgraduate depression, it is important to recognize when additional support may be needed. Professional counseling or therapy can help to provide coping strategies and address underlying causes of your symptoms.

    Speaking to a Therapist

    Postgraduate depression can be difficult to navigate alone, and speaking with a licensed therapist can provide relief. A therapist can help determine the severity of your symptoms, identify triggers, and suggest targeted treatments. Options such as cognitive behavioral therapy have been shown effective for postgraduate depression. Online services like Avocado offer confidential video sessions with therapists from the comfort of home.

    Joining a Support Group

    In addition to therapy, support groups provide community and understanding from others experiencing similar challenges. Look for local or online support groups focused on postgraduate transitions or depression. Speaking with others who have been through it, or are currently experiencing it, can help combat feelings of isolation and normalize your experience.

    Practicing Self-Care

    While seeking professional help, be sure to also practice self-care. Getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and exercising regularly can help improve your mood and ease symptoms of depression. Make time for hobbies and social interaction with others, even if you do not feel up to it. Journaling or mindfulness practices like yoga or meditation are also useful tools for coping with difficult emotions and cultivating gratitude during times of struggle.

    Remember that postgraduate depression is common and treatable. Do not hesitate to ask others for help, and be gentle with yourself during the transition to the next stage of life. With professional support, community interaction, and self-care, you can find your footing and path forward. The challenges you face now will pass, even if the road ahead remains unclear. There are always more opportunities ahead, so keep your head up – you’ve got this!


    As you move forward into this new phase of life after graduation, remember that you are not alone. Post-grad depression is common, but treatable. Take proactive steps to maintain your mental health by staying connected with friends, finding purpose in your work or studies, exercising, eating well, and reaching out for professional help if needed. The future may seem daunting, but you have the inner strength and resilience to navigate this transition. Approach each day with self-compassion, set small goals, and celebrate the little victories. You’ve accomplished so much already – trust that your best days still lie ahead.

    Seeking Help for Post Graduation Depression with Avocado AI Therapist

    Connect with a Therapist

    Avocado AI provides confidential online counseling and therapy services through an artificial intelligence companion. You can connect with the AI therapist at any time through the mobile app to discuss your feelings, moods, stressors, and mental health concerns. The AI is available 24/7 and provides empathetic, non-judgemental support. Speaking with a therapist, even an AI one, can help you gain perspective, ease symptoms of depression or anxiety, and develop coping strategies.

    Track Your Mood and Journal

    In addition to talking with the AI therapist, Avocado allows you to track your mood over time and journal about your experiences. Journaling and mood tracking are excellent ways to gain insight into your mental health, identify triggers or patterns, and find relief from difficult emotions. Share as much or as little detail as you’d like with your AI companion. The information you provide is kept private and used to tailor the AI’s responses and recommendations to your unique situation.

    Receive Personalized Care Recommendations

    Based on what you share, your mood logs and mindfulness practice, Avocado’s AI will provide tailored recommendations to help you cope with your post-graduation depression. The AI may suggest lifestyle changes, recommend professional mental health resources, or advise you to speak to family and friends. The AI aims to offer helpful recommendations and check-ins to support you in developing healthy habits and skills so you can go on to live a fulfilling life after graduation.

    While an AI cannot replace human therapists and doctors, Avocado‘s AI companion can provide on-demand support, help you gain awareness of your mental health, and offer self-care strategies to ease your symptoms of post-graduation depression. Make the choice to prioritize your mental health – you deserve to lead a happy, healthy life.